Center for Community
and Economic Development
Project Summary

Project Overview: The Corporation was awarded a subcontract by the Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center at the University of Kentucky to lead a RCPNC program research project in the Lowcountry area of South Carolina. The purpose of the initiative is to use creative strategies to increase coordination among United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Child Nutrition programs and other nutrition assistance programs. The project is also aimed at families with children who live in poor Colleton, County South Carolina. Its goal is to increase those families' participation in USDA-FNS Child Nutrition Programs and other nutrition assistance programs in Colleton County, South Carolina.

  1. Needs/Barriers to Nutrition Assistance Participation Found in the Assessment

    The collection and analysis of the data identified the following significant barriers to program participation which will be addressed as some of the goals by the project which the staff will focus on in Colleton county. The barriers that stood out as significant food challenges included transportation to access food or nutrition assistance programs. The lack of transportation options for children traveling to food sites as a barrier to program participation. The lack of transportation options for children traveling to sites was also frequently cited as the largest barrier to the children’s participation in the Summer Feeding program. Another barrier included the lack of awareness of program availability and understanding.

  2. Strategies the Coalition Will Implement to reduce the Barriers Found

    Proposed Implementation strategies will include;

    1. Bolstering the role of early education programs as important hubs for information on about the nutrition assistance programs such as the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Parents will be educated about the CACFP so they can understand the importance of participating.

    2. We will work with local food banks to bring greater awareness to low-income families about food distribution sites for farm-to-table programs and fresh fruits and vegetables through marketing and social media.

    3. We will work with community organizations to increase access resources at food banks by providing areas with alternative hours for distribution of food

    4. To break down transportation barriers, our coalition will work with intermediary organizations (a school, a non-profit, a childcare provider) to participate in the programs that will increase access to the nutritious meals and snacks available for children such as the CACFP, and the Summer Food Service Program.

Targeted Nutrition Assistance Programs: CACFP, SFSP, Local food banks